Planting Wildflowers in 8 Easy Steps
Help our pollinators!
One of the easiest ways to help our pollinators is to create a wildflower garden by incorporating plants that provide nectar and pollen.
Planting Wildflowers in 8 Easy Steps
- Make certain the soil temperatures in your area are 55°F / 13°C or above before planting your seeds.
- Prep the soil by removing all existing growth and debris. Rough up the area with a rake to loosen the top three inches of soil, creating a softened bed for your seeds.
- Scatter your seeds as evenly as possible over the prepped site.
- Using a gentle spray, water the entire area until the seedbed is thoroughly moist (unless you’re expecting rain). Be careful to not wash away your seeds.
- Check your planting twice each day; if it is in danger of drying out water so that the top few inches of soil are thoroughly moistened.
- Watch for sprouts to appear in 7 to 21 days, keeping the seedbed moist throughout.
- Continue to provide water for your young wildflower seedlings as they grow.
- When your wildflower seedlings have reached 6 inches in height, they will have become self-sufficient and will only need supplemental water in the event of a long dry spell or drought.
2022 Wildflower Seed Mix
CONTENTS: 100% Non-GMO seeds with zero fillers. Siberian Wallflower, Shasta Daisy, Lance Leaf Coreopsis, Sweet William, Foxglove, Purple Coneflower, Blanket Flower, Blue Flax, Perennial Lupine, Mexican Hat, Gloriosa Daisy, Black Eyed Susan, Candytuft, Gayfeather/Blazing Star, Maltese Cross
PLANTING: This perennial wildflower seed mix is suitable for all USDA Zones and can be successfully planted at various times throughout the growing season. Spring is the most conventional time of the year to sow flower seed, but successful results can also be achieved by planting in summer in cooler zones. Many gardeners plant perennial wildflowers in the fall to get a jump on spring blooms.
WHAT TO EXPECT: As with most perennials, the first season after planting this wildflower seed mix you'll see a handful of blooms, but not all the blooms. This is normal! Perennial varieties usually show limited germination in their first season after planting, but will bloom to their full potential in the following growing season.